The following steps may help you guide students (or staff) through various search skills.

Tip: ensure that you are all using the same Google domain - either or Using geographically localize to the Google domain of the country you are in.

  1. Search: hurricane - how many results are there?
  2. Search: hurricane katrina - how many results are there?
  3. Search: "hurricane katrina" - how many results are there?
  4. Choose the top result - why is it Wikipedia?
  5. Ctrl+F or Cmd+F to search the webpage for: landfall
  6. Ctrl+F or Cmd+F to search the webpage for: cost
  7. Search: $108 in CHF - this converts $ to CHF for you.
  8. Search: define:hurricane - explore the 'Translations, word origin, and more definitions'.
  9. Search: filetype:pdf hurricane katrina
  10. Search: hurricane katrina
  11. Search: hurricane katrina
  12. Search "hurricane katrina" - then click 'Search tools' > explore the possible time brackets you can put on the publish date of the digital content.
  13. Search "hurricane katrina" - then click Images, then click 'Search tools' > explore the Size and Usage rights.